Promises (Psalm 13)

Labels I really dislike the term Christian Music. It’s so nondescript. What makes something Christian? Is it a song that plays on K-LOVE or something written by a Christian? It doesn’t mean anything. Hymn is a much better word.  It means a song or ode in praise or honor of God.  Worship song or sacred […]


  Sometimes a song wants to be written.   I spend a lot of time chasing songs, but it is really special when the song speaks back to you.   I’ve always loved the Bible stories in the Old Testament. When I was a kid I would read them over and over again.   One of […]

New Music vs. Zombie Apocalypse

I’m at Z’otz in New Orleans.       Have you been?  It’s kind of like your college roommate who is double majoring in fashion and fine art dropped out and started a coffee shop.  And, the year was 1997.     I was staring confused at dismembered mannequin legs on the floor when it […]

Circle Bar Recap

Last night I was privileged to hear the Iguanas perform.  They were raucous with tight grooves and the audience was dancing.   It was also cool because I got to thank them for raising money in Baton Rouge last week.  The flooding messed us up pretty bad, and their show at the Dyson House Listening […]

Beach Foam

  I wrote this song during the Great Flood of 2016.  Many friends and family members lost everything.   What I saw was a community stand together victorious in the midst of tragedy.  I was proud to live in Southern Louisiana.    There is a special joy that comes with rebuilding/remodeling.       A […]